pic raven

pic raven

pic raven

pic raven

Oberhausen, 21.02.2008

Meine Spazierg‰nge mit dem Hund haben mich in den vergangenen Wochen des ˆfteren an die Wege gef¸hrt, die wir als f¸nfzehnj‰hrige, nicht immer ganz n¸chtern, teils zu Fuss, teils mit dem Moped nachts zur¸ckgelegt haben. Meist entlang dem Ufer des kleinen Sees an der ehemaligen Ziegelei oder vorbei an dem Fˆrderturm, der vor nicht all zu langer Zeit dem Strukturwandel weichen musste.
Ziel war jedenfalls immer unser damaliges Zuhause, im Schatten des "Ravensnest".


Do you remember?
Playing with the fire
In a pale and warm summer night
While the water of the secret lake
Was sparkling in the moonlight
Your eyes were tracing faithfully
The shadows of the night

You were my sister and my brother
My best friend and my lover
We were standing side by side
No questions and no answers
Neither right nor wrong
Nor expectations or conditions
Just the two of us

We were born in the shadow of the ravensnest
We were growing up on fields of crows
We were dancing down the alley at the lake site
While the raven guarded our sleep

I saw the red sky
Above the steelworks
Reflected in your eyes and on your skin
The noise of the industries
The gentle rush of the leaves
Was drowned by your breath
And your heartbeat

But the lake is dry
And the fire went out
We never recognise the changing of the air we breethe
While I am still here
At the ravensnest
Little sister went out to see the world

We were born in the shadow of the ravensnest
We were growing up on fields of crows
We were dancing down the alley at the lake site
While the raven guarded our sleep

I`m falling deep
Into a pair of eyes
So weary, so jaded, so blue
In the pale light of the tavern
You don`t need to say a word
The first time in my life I`m feeling old

We were born in the shadow of the ravensnest
We were growing up on fields of crows
We were dancing down the alley at the lake site
While the raven guarded our sleep

Proberaumaufnahme von 17.03.2008

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Aufnahme vom 23.02.09

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Kommentare: 1 | Kommentare ausblenden

Kommentar: Mˆhre schrieb am 29.03.2008

Hˆrt sich genial an! Der Text gef‰llt mir sehrsehrsehr!